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工業檢測光學鏡頭 / CS-Mount
F940 series(長焦)
No. FR-TH-F940

Theia SL940 Series

F940 series of TELEPHOTO


F940 是可以針對很遠的不顯眼的地方,做長焦距放大物體。

F940 是一種高品質的鏡頭設計,可以充分利用高解析度的HD百萬畫素的相機。該鏡頭可以用於相機上,提供使用者從邊緣到邊緣清晰的影像。

該鏡頭提供 True Day / Night 相機 IR 校正。IR 校正的重點,從人工照明的紅外光、可見光,使影像保持在焦距時, Day / Night 相機切換到夜晚模式到在同一平面上。沒有IR校正的鏡頭,夜間影像將不會聚焦在IR照明上。


  • 9-40mm for long reach and field of view optimization
  • Supports multi megapixel resolution cameras for demanding applications of five megapixels or more
  • Compact design to fit into domes as small as 4” mini-dome size
  • IR corrected for true Day/Night cameras
  • CS-mount with slip ring for ease of installation and positioning
  • For 1/3”, 1/2.7” HD, 1/2.5” and 1/2.3” 4K* sensors
  • Designed with DC auto-iris, P-iris (precise iris) and manual iris versions



F940 series lenses
Lens model 940SAT 940SPT 940SMT
Iris type DC autoiris P-iris Manual iris
Focal length 9 mm - 40 mm
IR correction Day / Night
Mount type CS-mount
F/# F/1.5 to closed
Resolution Up to 5 megapixel, 4K compatible
Minimum focus 2.5 m - infinity
Lens length < 50 mm

Lens Field of view

Sensor size 1/3" 1/2.7" HD 1/2.5" 1/2.3" 4K*
Sensor diagonal Ø6.0mm Ø6.6mm Ø7.2mm  
Sensor format 4x3 HD (16x9) 4x3  

Field of view (H) 30° - 7.1° 37° - 8.6° 36° - 8.5° 39° - 9.2°
Field of view (V) 22° - 5.3° 20° - 4.8° 27° - 6.3° 19° - 4.6°
Field of view (D) 38° - 8.8° 42° - 9.9° 46° - 10.6° 44° - 10°
*4K format = 4000 x 2000 pixels
Theia TL1250A R6, TL1250P R6, SL410A, SL410P, SL410M, ML410M, SL1250A, SL1250P, SL1250M, SL940A, SL940P, SL940M, SL183A, ML183A, SL183M, ML183M, SY125A, SY125M, MY125M, SY110A, SY110M, MY110M, TY180IR, TL410A R6, TL410P R6, TL936A R3, TL936A R4, TL936P R4, TL936P R6, 4K

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